Clarawood School and Services

Clarawood School and Services

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Inspiration in art and literature can be enhanced thanks to muses, and it has been so since the Greek godesses. Nowadays, more than ever, pupils, teachers, people need inspiration to make their daily life fruitful and rich through learning. The assumption of this project is that MUSEums can contribute to this inspiration in their diversity. Learning is not something that stops when the school gates close. Pupils often consider museums to be places where old dusty paintings are on display - not making a lot of sense to them. That is why teachers need to accompany the pupils by creating activities that will motivate them and turn an expected boring moment into an enriching conscious visit; acquiring new habits that will help them understand their world and society, and thus becoming better citizens. In this MUSE  project, teachers from France, Turkey, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Germany will share their experiences and methods in museum education. They will create lessons and activities based on their local art, history, science, modern art, technical and environmental museums, and on the observations of the pupils from many european countries.

All the tools created by the team will be updated on the project website, in brochures and in the “museums box”  so that any teacher, pupil or family wanting to include museum education in their path to learning can easily find useful resources. Our aim is to make our tools and resources motivate many other people and inspire them towards a new life of learning in and outside the walls of a classroom.